As a motorist, it is our duty to obey all the laws of the land. But as its said, TO ERR IS HUMAN, we all make mistakes and may break these laws and rules.
Everyone of us has paid a fine for expired PUC, busted indicators, broken mirrors or stopping ahead of the stop line or going 5 kph faster than the limit. Mind you I don't condone breaking any law, no matter how petty.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
But some mistakes can be purely genuine like forgetting to renew your pollution certificate or not having the right vehicle document with you when you are caught.
The cops are there to do their job and if they catch you they need to check your documents and fine you if you are at fault.
Don't argue or start a fight with them, you are not the first guy who they have caught. They are probably already going through a hard day - standing in harsh sun, surrounded by pollution, and other problems that we can't even think of. Don't give them a hard time, otherwise they are well versed in returning the favour.
Talk politely with them and talk respectfully. You'll know you are going to be stopped, they will generally whistle and point at your direction, if you notice that well in advance, nod your head or wave your hand as acknowledgement and DO stop.
Take out your license before they ask. Make their job easy and they will ease out on you. Keep your documents handy if you can, most bikers will keep them locked in under the seat. You might not even be asked for documents if you talk politely with the officer. If your documents are asked for and if you are at fault, apologise to them. Talk softly. Tell them if you have forgotten at home or to renew. Polite talk will see that you go out with just a warning.
But if the officer is hard bent on fining you, better cough up the fine. Whatever the end result, I always offer water before leaving; that guy could be standing out in the hot sun for hours, and facing countless rude motorists who don't know who their father is.
So let the cops do their job, be polite with them, its common courtesy. This just works for petty stuff, don't expect to get away with a warning if you don't possess license or if your horn makes noise beyond permissible levels.
Be on the better side of the law, ride safe, obey the traffic rules. Trust me, riding within the rules is far more fun than beyond them. Have a safe one!
Share your experiences below with the Johnny Law, good or bad. I'd like to hear them out!
(Attribution - Policeman Image Courtesy: Policeman with stop warning | Free vector by Vector Open Stock )